
Current version (Windows binaries)
Source for Linux/Mac/FreeBSD etc:multiblend2.0rc5.tar.gz(48k)

Latest changes:

RC5: RC4: RC3: RC2: v2.0 is an almost complete rewrite.


Multiblend is a multi-level image blender for the seamless blending of image mosaics, such as those created with Hugin, PTAssembler, or PTGui. It is a significantly faster drop-in alternative to Enblend, although it lacks some of Enblend's advanced features.


Usage: Multiblend [options] [-o OUTPUT] INPUT [X,Y] [INPUT] [X,Y] [INPUT]...

  --levels X / -l X      X: set number of blending levels to X
                        -X: decrease number of blending levels by X
                        +X: increase number of blending levels by X
  --depth D / -d D       Override automatic output image depth (8 or 16)
  --bgr                  Swap RGB order
  --wideblend            Calculate number of levels based on output image size,
                         rather than input image size
  -w, --wrap=[mode]      Blend around images boundaries (NONE (default),
                         HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL). When specified without a mode,
                         defaults to HORIZONTAL.
  --compression=X        Output file compression. For TIFF output, X may be:
                         NONE (default), PACKBITS, or LZW
                         For JPEG output, X is JPEG quality (0-100, default 75)
                         For PNG output, X is PNG filter (0-9, default 3)
  --cache-threshold=     Allocate memory beyond X bytes/[K]ilobytes/
      X[K/M/G]           [M]egabytes/[G]igabytes to disk
  --no-dither            Disable dithering
  --tempdir <dir>        Specify temporary directory (default: system temp)
  --save-seams <file>    Save seams to PNG file for external editing
  --load-seams <file>    Load seams from PNG file
  --no-output            Do not blend (for use with --save-seams)
                         Must be specified as last option before input images
  --bigtiff              BigTIFF output
  --reverse              Reverse image priority (last=highest) for resolving
                         indeterminate pixels
  --quiet                Suppress output (except warnings)
  --all-threads          Use all available CPU threads
  [X,Y]                  Optional position adjustment for previous input image




Multiblend was inspired by Enblend.
Multiblend uses libtiff:

Copyright © 1988-1997 Sam Leffler
Copyright © 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc.

Multiblend uses libjpeg-turbo.
Multiblend uses libpng.


If you find any bugs or have any questions about Multiblend you can email me at